Walking Update – Week 46, 2019

Following you will find an update on my walking statistics for week 46 of 2019. The update covers the dates Monday 11th of November to Sunday 17th of November.

Step Data

Monday 16,283 15,000
Tuesday 15,976 15,000
Wednesday 17,337 15,000
Thursday 17,202 15,000
Friday 18,113 15,000
Saturday 18,236 15,000
Sunday 19,008 15,000
Total122,155 105,000

Stepping Numbers

I am a bit of a numbers geek at times, so of course, I like to look a little closer at some of the numbers behind the individual days.

First up is the highest day for the week which was Sunday with a total of 19,008 steps. While the lowest day was Tuesday with a total of 15,976 steps.

I hit my daily step goal a total of 7 times this week and walked a total of 122,155 steps. Giving me an average of 17,450 steps per day across the week. With my steps this week that gives me 5,348,605 steps for the year to date.

This Time Last Year

Looking back to Week 46 of 2018, following are some of the step numbers for comparison. I walked a total of 120,757 steps with an average of 17,251 steps per day. The highest day was 20,237 and the lowest day was 14,780. To read more check out Walking Update – Week 46, 2018.

Other Thoughts

The past week has been a good week of walking. I have managed to make it to the goal each day without to much trouble. Although getting to 15,000 steps most days is something of a challenge. It tends to be less of a challenge when there is a specific purpose for the walking.

Walking with a purpose is of course the preferred option, but it is not always possible. A big part of why I walk and set the my daily goal the way I do is so that I maintain good health. Not sitting for to long and spreading out my walking across the day instead of in one big block.

While I am not expert I would imagine that one big block of walking and nothing for the rest of the day could have some negative aspects. But there does need to be some balance where you do have at least one walk that is for a bit longer period.

My fitness tracker has an hourly reminder to walk, each hour from 8 am until 5 pm. In part this is to try and avoid long periods of sitting. Sitting to long is one of the things that has been found to be detrimental to your health. So if you can break up the time you are sitting with bouts of walking it can be somewhat beneficial, I understand.

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