Walking Update – Week 41, 2019

Following you will find an update on my walking statistics for week 41 of 2019. The update covers the dates Monday 7th of October to Sunday 13th of October.

Step Data

Monday 17,536 15,000
Tuesday 16,338 15,000
Wednesday 16,294 15,000
Thursday 17,264 15,000
Friday 18,304 15,000
Saturday 16,762 15,000
Sunday 16,787 15,000
Total113,881 105,000

Stepping Numbers

I am a bit of a numbers geek at times, so of course, I like to look a little closer at some of the numbers behind the individual days.

First up is the highest day for the week which was Friday with a total of 18,304 steps. While the lowest day was Wednesday with a total of 16,294 steps.

I hit my daily step goal a total of 7 times this week and walked a total of <X> steps. Giving me an average of 16,268 steps per day across the week. With my steps this week that gives me 4,751,000 steps for the year to date.

This Time Last Year

Looking back to Week 41 of 2018, following are some of the step numbers for comparison. I walked a total of 123,229 steps with an average of 17,604 steps per day. The highest day was 22,866 and the lowest day was 15,035. To read more check out Walking Update – Week 41, 2018.

Other Thoughts

Week 41 officially marks 250 full weeks that I have been tracking my walking. Based on my previous attempts to track steps over the years, I never expected to get quite this far. In the past, I would keep track on a pedometer for some shorter period of time, but often give it up. But now I am happy to say that I have pushed and kept the tracking going for quite some time.

The numbers are definitely interesting for that time and I wanted to share a few of them today. I first started tracking my steps on the 25th of December 2014, which is 1,754 days. Since then I have walked a total of 29,269,932 steps. Which is on average 16,687 steps every day of that 1,754 days.

There are two other interesting averages to include in these numbers which are weekly and monthly steps. On average that means I have walked 117,079 steps per week. Monthly is slightly more difficult but is somewhere around 487,832 per month, as it is only half the month of October 2019 and part of December 2014. So it could be more like 499,629 steps per month for only the steps in the full months.

In this time when it comes to the goals that I have set myself, I missed achieving them on a total of 37 days. Of these days I missed there were 3 where I did not record any steps. Another 22 days where I missed my target of 10,000 steps between 24th of December 2014 and 22nd of July 2015. Finally, 12 days that I have missed my goal of 15,000 steps since the 23rd of July 2015.

Just for one last fun fact 250 weeks and four days (the actual total time I have been tracking for) is equal to 42,096 hours. So all the tracked steps work out to an average of 695 steps per hour since I started tracking.

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