Walking Update – Week 8, 2020

Today I want to share with you an update of my walking for week 8 of 2020. The week started on Monday the 17th of February and concluded on Sunday the 23rd of February.

Step Data

Monday 18,937 15,000
Tuesday 16,838 15,000
Wednesday 18,593 15,000
Thursday 19,790 15,000
Friday 19,400 15,000
Saturday 19,999 15,000
Sunday 20,075 15,000
Total133,632 105,000

Stepping Numbers

For over five years now, I have been tracking my steps daily and I enjoy looking over the numbers. This section breaks down some of those numbers from this week and cumulative for the year.

High & Low Days

The high day of the week with the most steps was Sunday, with 20,075 steps.

The low day of the week with the least steps was Tuesday, with 16,838 steps.

Weekly Totals

Throughout the week, I met my daily step target on 7 out of 7 days. I walked 133,632 steps for the week with an average of 19,090 steps per day for the week.

Year to Date

With the steps I have walked this week, I now have 1,055,456 steps for the year. That places me around 118,207 steps more than the same time last year. The goal for the year is 7 million steps. There is another 45 weeks to go I need 5,944,544 steps or 132,100 steps per week.

This Time Last Year

I also find it interesting to look back to last year and see a comparison for the week and year to date progress.

So let’s look at the step details from week 8 in 2019. I walked 125,126 steps, giving me an average of 17,875 steps per day. Overall, I have walked 8,506 more than this week last year.

The highest day for the week saw me walk, 30,268 steps a difference of 10,193 less than this year. While the lowest day for the week saw me walk, 15,075 steps a difference of 1,763 more than this year.

If you would like to see the full update from last year, you can visit post at Walking Update – Week 8, 2019.

Other Thoughts

The last week has been rather uneventful and a little less walking than the previous few weeks.

The first thing I see is that my low day for the week is the lowest step count for just over a month for me. I have no problem with this it is not a bad thing to have a smaller day occasionally. I also dropped below the 20,000 step average for the week, with just one day over 20,000 steps. Again when I look at the week, it is ok as I still was just above the average needed for the rest of the year.

Looking back, a year it was week 8 in 2019 that I got the closest to beating my highest day record. The highest previously was the 29th of October 2015 with 30,321 steps. On the 23rd of February last year, I walked 30,268 or just 53 steps short of breaking the previous record I set. Not to worry, it is something that I will reach soon.

Over the past three years, I have taken a little longer to reach the one million step mark. In these years, it has happened somewhere in week 9 of the year. However, this year for the first time since 2016, I have passed the one million step mark in week 8. It does not mean that I have things easy for the rest of the year, but it is a good start for sure.

There are two factors in the coming week which may impact my level of walking. The first is the forecast for rain across most days. While I overcome this mostly, it makes things more difficult. The second is that I may travel for a few days. I often end up walking more steps while away from home than when I am at home. However, walking when away from home becomes much more reliant on the weather. I would do everything I can to achieve the minimum of 15,000 steps, but higher counts would not be as easy to achieve. I guess time will tell, and I will share those details in my next weekly update.

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