Walking Update – Week 19, 2016

Following you will find an update on my walking statistics for week 19 of 2016. The update covers the dates Monday 9th of May to Sunday 15th of May.

Step Data

Monday 17,319 15,000
Tuesday 17,506 15,000
Wednesday 17,407 15,000
Thursday 18,165 15,000
Friday 18,413 15,000
Saturday 16,488 15,000
Sunday 15,850 15,000
Total121,148 105,000

Stepping Numbers

I am a bit of a numbers geek at times, so of course, I like to look a little closer at some of the numbers behind the individual days.

First up is the highest day for the week which was Friday with a total of 18,413 steps. While the lowest day was Sunday with a total of 15,850 steps.

I hit my daily step goal a total of 7 times this week and walked a total of 121,148 steps. Giving me an average of 17,306 steps per day across the week. With my steps this week that gives me 2,433,874 steps for the year to date.

This Time Last Year

Looking back to Week 19 of 2015, following are some of the step numbers for comparison. I walked a total of 85,412 steps with an average of 12,201 steps per day. The highest day was 23,711 and the lowest day was 6,560. To read more check out Walking Update – Week 19, 2015.

Other Thoughts

I am finding the streak much easier to work towards this time than previously is that I have something to work towards. When I first started wearing the fitness tracker and was looking towards the idea of a streak I just thought about it as seeing how far I can go. But this time just the idea of working toward a definite goal to start with makes it much more focused.

So at this time in time, the streak has reached 298 days. Not there at that year yet, but absolutely on the home stretch.

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